<div class="money"> Your have: $money gold coin </div>
<div class="money">Your have: $artifacts artifact collection</div>
(if: $key is true)[ <div class="money">"You currently have a key, which can be used to unlock areas within the temple."</div>]
<div class="start1">''You stand at the central hub, pondering your next move. ''</div>
<div class="image-container">
<img src="https://raw.github.com/Thechosendzx/twine/main/1.jpg" alt="China" class="image1">
<div class="B"> [[Navigate to Location B|Ancient Temple]]</div>
<div class="A"> [[Navigate to Location A|Jade Seal]]</div>
<div class="C">[[Navigate to Location C|Hanging Gardens]] </div>
(if: $artifacts is 3)[
Congratulations! You've explored all the chapters of this game and I'm sure you've learned a wealth of history from it. Now, let's go back to reality from the virtual world and discover the beauty around you! We suggest you go to the museum to see those real rtifacts with your own eyes, so that the charm of history will continue to accompany you in reality and inspire you to further explore and understand art.
You have not yet uncovered all the mysteries of the rest of the world. Explore more to find the hidden truths. Come back later when you have seen all three artifacts.
[[Return to your ship|Examine Map]]
<div class="money"> Your have: $money gold coin </div>
<div class="money">Your have: $artifacts artifact collection</div>
As your ship docks at the bustling port, the air fills with the scent of jasmine and incense. Ancient architecture lines the bustling streets, where merchants and locals mingle.
<img src="https://Thechosendzx.github.io/twine/Untitled%20design.jpg">
[[Explore the local market|Local Market]]
[[Seek information about the grand palace|Palace Inquiry]]
[[Attempt to approach the grand palace|Gate]]
[[Return to your ship|Examine Map]] </div>
<div class="money"> Your have: $money gold coin </div>
<div class="money">Your have: $artifacts artifact collection</div>
As you step off the boat, the lively harbor buzzes around you. The salty sea air mixes with the smell of fresh fish, while the sun casts its glow on weathered stone buildings and distant ruins.
<img src="https://Thechosendzx.github.io/twine/z.webp" alt="Mdgsding">
A local fisherman, noticing your curious gaze, approaches with a friendly smile. "Looks like you're new here. This place is steeped in history, as old as the tales of the gods."
[[Ask about your location|Find Out Location]]
[[Inquire about the buildings|Learn About Buildings]]
[[Visit the market|Go to Market]]
[[Return to your ship|Examine Map]]Navigating through the bustling market of this place, you pause at a stall adorned with ancient artifacts. The merchant, who sees your interest, leans in."Ah, curious traveler, this used to be known as Beijing, filled with the echoes of emperors," he remarks casually.
<img src="https://Thechosendzx.github.io/twine/Untitled%20design%20(1).jpg">
[[Inquire more about Beijing|Learn About Beijing]]
[[Purchase foriegn artifacts|foriegn arts]]
[[Purchase a key|key]]
[[Seek information about the grand palace|Palace Inquiry]]
[[Return to the port|Jade Seal]]
"Ah, the Forbidden City," he begins, adjusting his glasses. "It's not just an architectural marvel but a repository of a thousand years of history. The emperors of old ruled from its sacred halls, and it holds many secrets yet to be discovered by the outside world.""You see, each dynasty added their own touch to it, filling it with priceless artifacts and forbidden lore. Only those deemed worthy have ever walked its private gardens and peered into its hidden chambers."
<img src="https://Thechosendzx.github.io/twine/Untitled%20design%20(3).jpg">
[[Attempt to approach the grand palace|Gate]]
[[Return to the port|Jade Seal]]
"Beijing is the heart of China. It has served as the imperial capital for over eight centuries," the merchant elaborates with a proud smile. "It's not just the political center; it's also a cultural beacon, home to the Forbidden City and countless historical treasures.Over the dynasties, emperors ruled from the dragon throne within its walls. Today, it remains a vital link to our past and a vibrant city."
<img src="https://Thechosendzx.github.io/twine/Untitled%20design%20(2).jpg">
[[Seek information about the Forbidden City |Palace Inquiry]]
[[Return to the port|Jade Seal]]
You move to the majestic gates of the Forbidden City. The guard eyes you cautiously.
<img src="https://Thechosendzx.github.io/twine/Untitled%20design%20(4).jpg">
(if: $entryPaid is not true)[
(if: $artifacts > 0)[
(set: $artifacts to $artifacts - 0)
(set: $entryPaid to true)
"You have offered a valuable artifact. The path is now open to you, now and forever."
[[Enter the Forbidden City|Forbidden City]]]
"You must offer an artifact to pass these gates."
[[Return to collect more artifacts|Local Market]] ]
"The path is now open to you."
[[Enter the Forbidden City|Forbidden City]]
As the gates open, you step into the Forbidden City. Before you lies the Hall of Supreme Harmony, where emperors once presided over court ceremonies and state affairs.
The Forbidden City in Beijing is a vast museum that was once the Chinese imperial palace from the Ming dynasty to the end of the Qing dynasty. It is located in the center of Beijing, China. For almost 500 years, it served as the home of emperors and their households, as well as the ceremonial and political center of Chinese government.
<img src="https://Thechosendzx.github.io/twine/Untitled%20design%20(5).jpg">
<div class="starts">[Welcome, Captain. Start your journey to explore the secrets of the past.]</div>
(set: $money to 20)(set: $artifacts to 0) (set: $miningCount to 0)(set: $boughtArtifact to false)(set: $boughtArtifact1 to false)(set: $key to false)(set: $quizPlayed to false)(set: $LocationA to false)(set: $LocationB to false)(set: $LocationC to false)(set:$haslentFishermanMoney to true)
<img src="https://Thechosendzx.github.io/twine/Untitled%20design%20(6).jpg">
<div class="start">[[Begin your journey|Examine Map]] </div>
(if: $money >= 100 and not $boughtArtifact)[
(set: $money to $money - 100)
(set: $artifacts to $artifacts + 1)
(set: $boughtArtifact to true)
Congratulations! You have successfully purchased a rare foreign artifact for 100 gold coins. You now have $money gold coins left, and you own $artifacts artifacts.
<img src="https://Thechosendzx.github.io/twine/buy.webp" alt="buy">
This finely sculpted statue is a splendid example of Classical Greek artistry, dating back to the 4th century BC. It depicts Athena, the goddess of wisdom, courage, and warfare, standing poised in a majestic pose. Athena is clad in her iconic armor, with a shield at her left side and a spear in her right hand, symbolizing her role as a protector and warrior.
(set: $LocationA to true)
[[Return to the market|Local Market]]
(else-if: $boughtArtifact)[
You have already purchased an artifact.
[[Return to the market|Local Market]]
Unfortunately, you do not have enough money to purchase this artifact. You need at least 100 gold coins, but you currently have only $money gold coins.
[[Return to the market|Local Market]]
[[Earn more money|Money Making]]
As you approach the old mines located behind the bustling market, the scent of earth and the sound of distant picks against stone greet you. You're here to try your luck at mining, hoping to find valuable ores.
(set: $miningCount to $miningCount + 1)
(if: $miningCount < 10)[
(set: $result to (random: 1, 10))
(if: $result >= 9)[
(set: $money to $money + 10)
<img src="https://Thechosendzx.github.io/twine/YES.webp" alt="Miner found gold">
You've found some ore worth 10 gold coins! Your total money is now $money.
[[Continue mining|Money Making]]
[[Return to the market|Local Market]]
<img src="https://Thechosendzx.github.io/twine/NO.webp" alt="Miner found nothing">
Despite your best efforts, the rocks yield nothing but dust and sweat today.
[[Try again|Money Making]]
[[Return to the market|Local Market]]
[[Return to the port|Jade Seal]]
<img src="https://Thechosendzx.github.io/twine/tired.webp" alt="Miner exhausted">
You feel exhausted after all this mining. It's time to take a break and return to the market.
(set: $miningCount to 0)
[[Return to the local market|Local Market]]
(if: $money >= 50)[
(set: $money to $money - 50)
(set: $key to true)
"You have successfully purchased a key for 50 gold coins. This key may unlock secrets and treasures within the ancient temple."
[[Continue exploring|Local Market]]
"You do not have enough money to buy the key. You need at least 50 gold coins."
[[Return to earn more money|Money Making]]
"This is Greece, home to countless tales of heroism and the divine," the fisherman says proudly. "See those ruins on the hill? They're the remains of temples where, according to legend, gods once roamed."
<img src="https://Thechosendzx.github.io/twine/v.webp" alt="Mincvbnthing">
[[Hear more about the gods|Hear Gods Stories]]
[[Explore the temples he pointed out|Visit Temples]]
[[Head back to the harbor|Ancient Temple]]
[[Visit the market|Go to Market]]Pointing to the structures, the fisherman explains, "These buildings have withstood the ravages of time, designed by our ancestors to be both beautiful and practical. Notice the white walls? They keep our homes cool under the hot sun."
He gestures towards an elaborate structure that catches your eye.
<img src="https://Thechosendzx.github.io/twine/n.webp" alt="sfthing">
[[Ask about the notable structure|Inquire Special Building]]
[[Continue exploring|Ancient Temple]]
[[Visit the market|Go to Market]]Moving towards the marketplace, the vibrant life of the town unfolds. The air is thick with the aroma of olives and citrus, and the stalls are a riot of colors with handmade goods and local crafts.
<img src="https://Thechosendzx.github.io/twine/zx.webp" alt="sfsf">
(if: $lentFishermanMoney is false)[
"My friend! Today's catch was exceptional, all thanks to your good luck! Here, I've something for you," the fisherman says, pressing a heavy pouch into your hand. It jingles with the sound of 100 gold coins.
<img src="https://Thechosendzx.github.io/twine/aaa.webp" alt="sfshfghdff">
(set: $money to $money + 100)(set:$haslentFishermanMoney to false)(set:$lentFishermanMoney to true)]
[[Buy an Artifact (cost 100 coins)|Talk to Vendor]]
[[Take the quiz challenge (costs 10 coins)|Quiz Challenge]]
[[Sell an Artifact (gain 90 coins)|Sell Artifact]]
[[Go back to the harbor|Ancient Temple]]
The fisherman adjusts his cloak and says, "In Greek mythology, the gods are like a great family with their own roles and stories. Zeus is the king of all gods and rules the sky with his thunderbolts. His sister, Hera, is the queen who watches over marriage. Athena, born from Zeus’s head, is the goddess of wisdom and strategy in war.
"Each god's story helps us understand different aspects of life and human nature, from Poseidon’s control over the seas to Aphrodite’s influence over love and beauty. These stories have been told for thousands of years, teaching lessons about power, jealousy, love, and heroism."
<img src="https://Thechosendzx.github.io/twine/l.webp" alt="Minedsgdging">
[[Thank the fisherman and explore elsewhere|Ancient Temple]]
You make your way up the hill to the ancient temple ruins. The path is lined with olive trees, their leaves whispering stories of the past. As you reach the temple, you're greeted by an elderly guardian, his eyes twinkling with the wisdom of ages.
<img src="https://Thechosendzx.github.io/twine/m.webp" alt="Minecxbhing">
"I am the keeper of this sacred place," he states, his voice echoing slightly in the open air. "Many seek the treasures of Zeus, but only those bearing the key of the ancients may challenge my questions and behold the treasures."
(if: $key is true)[
"Since you possess the key, you may attempt to unlock the secrets of this place. Answer my question correctly, and I will grant you access."
[[Answer the guardian's question|Guardian's Question]]
[[Leave the temple|Ancient Temple]]
"You must first find the key to prove your worthiness."
[[Leave the temple|Ancient Temple]]
<img src="https://Thechosendzx.github.io/twine/b.webp" alt="Minfgshing">
As you express interest in the architecture, the fisherman nods and points to the stone structures surrounding you. "Greek architecture is famous for its precision and beauty. These buildings, especially temples, are built in three main styles: Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian, each identifiable by the columns and decorations."
"Doric columns are the simplest, sturdy and plain. Ionic columns are taller, with scrolls at the top. Corinthian columns are the most ornate, decorated with leaves and scrolls. The design not only reflects beauty but also the Greeks' advanced understanding of mathematics and engineering."
[[Continue talking with him|talk]]
[[Return to exploring the port|Ancient Temple]]
(if: $money >= 100 and not $boughtArtifact1)[
(set: $money to $money - 100)
(set: $artifacts to $artifacts + 1)
(set: $boughtArtifact1 to true)
Congratulations! You have successfully purchased a rare foreign artifact for 100 gold coins. You now have $money gold coins left, and you own $artifacts artifacts.
<img src="https://Thechosendzx.github.io/twine/uty.webp" alt="bdfuy">
This exquisite Qinghua porcelain vase is a masterful example of traditional Chinese ceramics from the Ming Dynasty, dating back to the 15th century AD. The vase features a vibrant cobalt blue underglaze depicting a serene landscape of mountains, rivers, and forests, intertwined with mythical creatures and auspicious symbols. Its elegant, elongated form and the intricate artwork reflect the high level of craftsmanship and the rich cultural heritage of the era.
(set: $LocationB to true)
[[Return to the market|Go to Market]]
(else-if: $boughtArtifact1)[
You have already purchased an artifact.
[[Return to the market|Go to Market]]
Unfortunately, you do not have enough money to purchase this artifact. You need at least 100 gold coins, but you currently have only $money gold coins.
[[Return to the market|Go to Market]]
The guardian poses his question with a serious tone, "Legend tells of a vast palace in the distant East, home to the son of the true dragon. Can you tell me which dynasty's leader was the earliest known master of this palace?"
"Choose your answer wisely," he adds, presenting you with the following options:
[[Qin Dynasty|Wrong Answer]]
[[Han Dynasty|Wrong Answer]]
[[Tang Dynasty|Wrong Answer]]
[[Ming Dynasty|Correct Answer]]
[[Song Dynasty|Wrong Answer]]
The guardian shakes his head sadly. "Alas, that is not the correct answer. The true treasures of Zeus remain hidden to those who lack the knowledge of the ancients." he suggests, gesturing towards the exit.
[[Return to the harbor|Ancient Temple]]
:: Correct Answer
The guardian's face lights up with a smile. "Indeed, the Ming Dynasty was the first to rule over the great palace you speak of. You have proven your worth."
With a grand gesture, he pulls back a curtain of ivy, revealing a hidden alcove glittering with golden artifacts. "Behold the treasures of Zeus, granted to those who respect and seek wisdom."
[[Examine the treasures|Examine Treasures]]
(set: $artifacts to $artifacts + 1)
(set: $LocationC to true)
"The thunderbolt," the guardian begins, his voice filled with reverence, "is not merely a weapon but a symbol of divine authority and raw power. Zeus, ruler of the Olympian gods, wielded it not only to vanquish his foes but also to bring order and justice."
<img src="https://Thechosendzx.github.io/twine/bgh.webp" alt="Mdgsfuding">
He continues, "It was with this thunderbolt that Zeus defeated the Titans, securing his place as the king of gods and men. And it was with this thunderbolt that he summoned storms, commanded the skies, and asserted his will over the cosmos."
[[Leave the temple with the treasure in mind|Ancient Temple]]
(if: $money >= 10)[
(set: $money to $money - 10)
"Answer three questions correctly and win 100 coins! But beware, you only get one shot at this," the merchant warns with a wink.
"First question: What is the capital of ancient Greece?"
[[Athens|Question Two]]
[[Sparta|Wrong Answer2]]
[[Corinth|Wrong Answer2]]
"It seems you don't have enough coins. Come back when you're a bit richer!"
[[Return to the marketplace|Go to Market]]
"Second question: Why houses here are all white?"
[[Because they only have white paints|Wrong Answer2]]
[[To reflect sunlight|Final Question]]
[[Ares designed those houses|Wrong Answer2]]
"Unfortunately, that's not the right answer. Better luck next time!"
(set: $quizPlayed to true)
[[Return to the marketplace a bit wiser|Go to Market]]
"Final question: Who defeated the Titans?"
[[Zeus|Correct Answer2]]
[[Ares|Wrong Answer2]]
[[Hermes|Wrong Answer2]]
"Congratulations! All your answers are correct. Here's your prize of 100 coins!"
<img src="https://Thechosendzx.github.io/twine/ccc.webp" alt="bdfddfduy">
(set: $money to $money + 100)
(set: $quizPlayed to true)
[[Return to the marketplace feeling richer|Go to Market]]
(if: $artifacts > 0)[
(set: $money to $money + 90)
(set: $artifacts to $artifacts - 1)
"You have successfully sold an artifact for 90 gold coins."
[[Continue selling|Sell Artifact]]
[[Return to the marketplace|Go to Market]]
"You currently have no artifacts to sell."
[[Return to the marketplace|Go to Market]]
<img src="https://Thechosendzx.github.io/twine/ddd.webp" alt="bdfdduy">
(if: $haslentFishermanMoney is true)[
"Ah, my friend," the fisherman begins, nervously twisting his hat in his hands, "I find myself in a bit of a bind. Today is my dear wife's birthday, and I wish to buy her a bouquet of her favorite flowers. However, I need 10 gold coins. Could you possibly lend me the some? I promise to repay you soon."
[[Lend him the 10 gold coins|Lend Money]]
[[Decline his request|Decline Money]]
"Hope you are having fun!"
[[Continue on your way|Go to Market]]
(set: $money to $money - 10)
(set: $lentFishermanMoney to false)
"You hand over the coins to the fisherman, whose face lights up with gratitude. 'Thank you, truly! You've made an old sailor and his wife very happy today. I will not forget this kindness,' he assures you with a broad smile."
[[Continue exploring the port|Ancient Temple]]
You apologize, explaining that you need every coin for your own journey.
The fisherman nods slowly, disappointment clouding his features. "I understand, of course. Times are hard on us all," he says softly before turning away, leaving you with a lingering sense of regret.
[[Continue exploring the market|Go to Market]]
(if: $lentFishermanMoney is true)[
At the end of this journey, you stand and reflect on your experiences, especially the small acts of kindness, like lending money to that fisherman. It was more than a simple favor, it was a profound human warmth.
Remember that day at the market, you didn't hesitate to help that fisherman who needed to buy flowers for his wife's birthday celebration. This kind of act may seem small, but it can have a big impact. Your kindness was like planting a seed that eventually blossomed. The hundred gold coins the fisherman gave you later was not just a monetary reward, but a return of kindness and care.
So yeah, I hope you can continue to maintain this kindness, whether in the game or in reality. Kindness will always come back to you somehow.
Congrats on completing your adventure, and keep moving forward with all that you've learned. Your future will surely be richer for the choices you made today.
[[Play again|Untitled Passage]]
Wanna play again?
[[Play again|Untitled Passage]]
"Thank you for the artifact," the guard says. "Here are 50 gold coins from our emperor. He wishes you good luck in your future adventures."
(set: $money to $money + 50)
[[Return to the port|Jade Seal]]